
Pascale Delaunay

Hi! I'm Pascale

a Software Engineer, that specializes in developing and designing a range of web products, from small business websites to interactive web applications.

More About me

As a full-stack engineer, I'm proficient in both Front-End and Back-End Development. I have over 15+ years of technology experience across software development, innovation, design, and product management. As a software engineer, I want to leverage technology to provide you with the competitive edge you deserve. I'm committed to developing world-class software solutions for you!

Learn about our Services


Solutions Tailored to Your Business

Web Application Development

Create user-friendly web applications with mobile-first interfaces. From great websites built to create strong mobile-friendly online presence to full-stack web applications that help you streamline your business processes and get more done.

Mobile Application Development

We develop mobile apps that are both sustainable and scalable. This means that system updates will not disrupt your business operations and all of your device’s features will be upgraded to their newest version.

Consultation & Product Development

Not sure, where to begin? Need help determining if your idea is feasible? Need someone to lead as a product manager? Let's talk about the kind of support you need to execute through launch


Latest projects and some recent work


Our proven process for delivering a phenomenal experience.


Whatever your needs are, we'll start with a conversation and pinpoint what your specific needs and vision could entail.


Now that we have clarified your needs, you will be presented a customized proposal with project details, timeline for completion, contract information and pricing. Upon agreement we begin.


Sit back and relax while we bring your vision to life. You will receive regular updates regarding your project status while we create and continuosly test to completion.


We have liftoff! After your final approval, your project is delivered and brought online for the world to see.

Let's Make Something Great Together.

Have me build a website. Start a new project. Have some questions? learn more about how we can partner to build your new reality.

    Contact Info

  • Los Angeles County, California

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